Everglades 295 Center Console Boats
Have it All in One Boat
Boats are always being improved each and every year. Designers can spend months or even years on a new design to ensure the vessel is all that the customer could want. The designers at Everglades always go above and beyond many other boat companies because they believe in exceptional design. These people know what boaters want because they are avid boaters themselves. If you are in the market for a new boat, the Everglades 295 Center Console boats for sale today are among the best and here are just a few things you will enjoy about these remarkable center console vessels.
Power and Performance
Power is significantly important when you intend on going farther out to sea. Everglades 295 Center Console boats were designed to have an impressive max horsepower of 600 which means the available motors for the boat are quite extensive. The engine configuration calls for two engines mounted for maximum usability and thrust for getting through the choppy seas of the deep water. The standard option for motors calls for twin Yamaha 300s to max out the available horsepower. Not only can you choose the motor option, you can also choose the color of the engines whether you want white or the standard black color. Command Link Plus displays round out the true usability of this vessel.
Family Friendly Options
The designers of the Everglades 295 Center Console boats have not simply designed an exceptional fishing vessel. They have worked diligently to design a boat that can be used for many different purposes. Most people do use their boat for fishing, but more often they will use it for time with family or entertaining. This Everglades boat can do it all with family friendly options. The entire boat has been designed smart with a deep deck offering a safe place for the kids. The children were even thought of when the designers installed the hull side door at the rear of the vessel. Instead of the standard transom door, the hull side offers a safer solution for families with a drop down ladder for true convenience.
At the Helm
The helm of Everglades 295 Center Console boats for sale are among the best designed places on the boat. It was made to be not only user friendly, but a substantial place for the pilot to be able to control the boat with easy. The chrome steering column gives the boater something to hold onto while at high speeds and the seating offers the ability to either sit or stand comfortably at all times. The dashboard has also been well-designed and able to be customized to the individual needs of the boater. Two full size Garmin navigation screens can be mounted offering you an excellent place to know where you are and where you are going at all times.
Seating at its Best
The average boater is not going to head out into the deep ocean alone. You will likely have either one person or a group of people along for the ride. Everglades 295 Center Console boats can accommodate the whole crew with ample seating throughout. At the transom, the fold away rear bench seat is large enough for three people and folds flush to the transom when not on use. The helm seats two as does the console seating area, but the real star seat is found at the bow of the boat. Wrap around seating offers a place for everyone to be comfortable and cup holders make it convenient to have your drink on the go. All seats house storage compartments for either drink storage, dry storage, or even fish and bait storage, so no matter what you intend on using this boat for, these features ensure that you always have what you need when you want it.
Length: 29’ 7”
Beam: 9’ 9”
Draft: 33”
Fuel Capacity: 184 Gallons
Max HP: 600
Looking for Everglades 295 Center Console Boats for Sale?
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