Boston Whaler 270 Vantage Boats
A boat for the diversified boat enthusiast
Having a boat with diversified functionality is a huge plus when living in Florida. As the use of a boat changes from the Gulf to the Atlantic quite drastically, having a vessel which can transition from being primarily a fishing craft to being one for recreation and leisure should be considered. The Boston Whaler 270 Vantage is equipped for all water activity whether it is saltwater fishing, watersports, or entertaining.
At first glance
When looking at the Boston Whaler 270 Vantage boat for sale, one of the first things of note is that it does not aesthetically look like the typical fishing boat. This Boston Whaler boat model has more of a sportsman’s design, meaning that it does not sit low in the water, that the bow has a distinctive curvature for cutting through the water, that the stern and transom are lower to the water, and that the captain’s area is more open with a thinner hard top. Additionally, the hardtop appears to rest lower on the cabin than on other 20 to 30 foot fishing vessels. This design feature appears to be intentionally done to reduce drag. So while the boat may be primarily for fishing, the design of the craft tends to give it more diversification for use.
The Boston Whaler 270 Vantage is a 26’ 10” boat from the bow to the engine mounting location. There are two standard Mercury 200 CXL L4 DTS Black Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke engines on the stern. However, there is the option to upgrade the FourStroke to a 225,250, or 300 DTS. Joystick Piloting is also available. In terms of weight, the boat comes in at around 2.5 tons, fairly light for a vessel this size. Seating can hold 12 adults, though the layout of the boat could accommodate a few more if they were smaller children.
Seating and storage on the Boston Whaler 270 Vantage boats are limited on the deck to a box at the transom (rectangular) and a vertical box at the cabin right before the bow. This does not mean that there are not other storage options. Under seat storage as well as strategic storage along the inside hull give ample space to a day trip.
The access as well as the plush seating layout lend the purchaser to have a boat more for the day activities than for long trips and overnights. Access to the boat is from the transom, unlike other boats which have an inward swinging door or a double latch door on the starboard and port. This access helps to solidify the premise that the vessel is equipped for sporting (such as skiing and diving) where access to the rear of the boat would be mandatory. Cruising and leisure are obtained through the surround speakers as well as the bow leisure lounge configuration. Additionally, the flat fold seating in the boat makes for even more space to sun bathe or lounge. Again, this lends to the diversification in the functionality of the vessel.
If using the Boston Whaler 270 Vantage primarily for leisure, consider purchasing the available sunshade at bow or the sunshade at cockpit.
While the Boston Whaler 270 Vantage is fishing boat classified, you will need to purchase the fishing package in order to have the washdown, livewell with ight, stainless steel toe rails, and rod holders. You can also opt for the Corian countertop which could be used as a bait station. Standard on the Boston Whaler 270 Vantage is the ability to fish from the bow. It is not too curved as to make such difficult. However, if you wish to do so on a regular basis, upgrading the gunwale would be recommended.
While there are storage options for fishing, there are not a lot of areas in which to store large fish. Keep this in mind when planning your trip. Deep sea fishing may not be the best option with this craft. You may wish to stick with fishing which will yield smaller catches unless you have the station and the storage to cut and clean your catches.
Best use
The Boston Whaler 270 Vantage is best used inland, though you can use the boat for offshore fishing. Areas where the boat will have the best duality in functionality would be along the Atlantic Coast, primarily between the various beaches and bay areas. As there are several inlets from the beaches to lakes and other sports waters, the boat is ideal for those which wish to cruise the beach one day, participate in water sports on another, and fish on yet another day. Gulf use is acceptable for this vessel as well making it appropriate for most if not all Florida waters.
Locate a Boston Whaler 270 Vantage boat for sale
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